That's My King!

"Unchurched"? May I Please Have the Definition?

There is a common idea around now that says that the church (as in the church service) must be for the unchurched. Many surveys have been taken and many books and blogs are written about this very subject, "How do we reach the unchurched?" Unchurched is new language. (My spell check in google docs keeps underlining it.) It used to be the church's mission was, "How do we reach lost sinners?" Now, "sinners" is changed to, "unchurched". If we stuck with the Biblical language of "sinners" then we would know we couldn't survey a sinner as to what they would want in a church service because words have meanings. Sinner means transgressor of the law. A sinner would be a breaker of God's law... a lawbreaker. So a person who is breaking God's law would be in rebellion against God. The Bible puts it like this... when we are in that sinful, carnal state...Romans 8:7 we are hostile to God and not subject to the law of God nor can be! So why in the world would we ask that person what they want in a church service? It can only be rebellion! I don't say this to be harsh or judgmental, it's how the language defines itself. It's not subject to my interpretation, it says what it says.

Let's define the word "church" and see if we can define "unchurched" from that. A modern definition of church is a body of Christian believers. The Greek word, from the original language of the New Testament, is
Ekklesia, meaning "the called out ones". So from the modern and original language we can conclude that church means people who believe in Christ and have been called out [from the world]. So to define "unchurched" by putting the prefix 'un' before the word 'church' makes that word a body of not or non believers in Christ. So, even when you define this new word of unchurched correctly, again with no judgment or opinion, just letting the words speak for themselves, you can conclude that the unchurched is not who you should be asking how they want a church service to be. The unchurched would want non-church or not church. And that's exactly what they get... so call it something else.

Jesus defined how we were to reach lost sinners. He said (Matt. 28:19,20) GO make disciples of all nations. Go meaning to leave a place. You go out of (leave) your assembly or your church building and you go to all nations and teach them about repentance and faith in Christ. You do not prostitute the church to be friends with the world (James 4:4) because you make yourself the enemy of God. There is one Seeker that we should be sensitive to and that's the Father (John 4:23). If we want to figure out how to reach the "unchurched" who clearly are not seeking God (Romans 3:11) we'd better ask the One who died for the Church.

Difficult Times Have a Purpose

Bruce and I just finished reading Acts 23. I understood that in a way I never have before. It's the account of Paul going before the council and the 40-plus Jews making an oath of not eating or drinking until Paul is killed. The chief priest and the council agreed to set up Paul to be murdered. That evening the Lord Jesus Himself comes to the side of Paul to encourage him to continue to testify of Him and that he will need to do so in Rome. The rest of the chapter is how God moved and used whoever He wanted to get Paul to Rome! It's really an amazing chapter of how God uses even unbelievers to work all things out for His plan and purpose!

It made me think about situations in our own lives. We can never fully understand why we are in the situation we are in at the time. God could be moving heaven and earth to get His vessels where He wants them so we can glorify and testify of His Name. I'm sure Paul taking the beating of his life, being rescued by Roman soldiers and then them accompanying him to Rome was no where on Paul's radar screen of having been wrought by God. But thanks be to God for His Word that gives us a glimpse behind the scene of how He works out His plan and how He uses His tools for His glory!

Isn't the Bible Written By Men?

Have you heard this before... "the Bible was written by men and it is full of contradictions." And... "why are there so many versions of the Bible?" Some say, "I've tried to read the Bible, but I can't understand it". But the most important question is..."Is the Bible true?"

In this post-modern world, truth is pretty much what you make it. There is no absolute truth, a post-modernist would say. Oprah has helped that idea along in 'religion' by basically saying all roads lead to heaven in the end. You may call it "Jesus", somebody else may call it "the light" or maybe a "higher power"... but don't satisfy yourself with believing that! There is truth and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32. Acts 17:30,31 says that "The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” If you have asked questions like "Who am I and why I am here?" and have desired to know truth... there is good news! Acts 17:27 says you should seek God, in the hope that you might feel your way toward him and find him. John 14:6. (Run your cursor over the reference for the verse.)

Only God can convince you that the Bible is His sufficient, infallible, inerrant Word if you don't already believe. But let me tell you that the Bible is true. Our faith is not a blind faith, but is based on facts. In the Bible are prophesies that were written down hundreds of years before they happened. And they did happen. For instance, Isaiah 53 tells how the LORD would be mocked, beaten and die for sinners, then about 700 years later, it happened exactly as foretold. Bruce has a favorite quote from Dr. Voddie Baucham that he paraphrased... "I believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of 66 historical documents which were divinely inspired, written by more than 40 eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses, in 3 different languages on 3 different continents, over a period of 1500 years, in which they reported supernatural events which took place in fulfillment of specific prophecy. (based on 2 Peter 1:16-21) There is no piece of literature in all of history that has that kind of track record. Also, the longevity of it. This Book has been the number one bestselling book of all time selling over 6 Billion copies in over 2000 languages!! And there is the fact that more people have died defending the message of this Book than any other book in history. These facts alone are amazing!!

In your own intellect, even if you are not a believer in the good news of this Book, these statistics have got to stun you. Even historical writers from Jesus' time recorded the events that happened. They didn't believe Jesus was God, like He said He was, but they didn't deny what they saw. I just saw a news clip from Reuters about how they have the oldest, complete Bible, over 1600 years old that is going to be made available online!

I know these astonishing facts alone will not convince you because just like the supernatural events which took place in the pages of the Bible...a supernatural work must be done in you. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again if he were to see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3) Eph. 2:8,9 says salvation is a free gift of grace through faith in Christ alone. You don't earn it or obligate God by your good works, you are not physically born into it nor do you get it from someone else (John 1:13). Jesus said in Mark 2:17 that well people don't need a physician, but the sick. He didn't come to save the righteous, but for sinners to repent. If there is a burden of sin on you then repent (turn away from the sin that you love and leave your dead works behind) and be believing. Trust; put your faith in Jesus' death, burial and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sin. Jesus said in Matt 11:28-30 if you have worked hard on your own merit and are heavy laden, He will give you rest. Take His yoke, which is easy and light. Come into the Sabbath's rest! Flee from the wrath to come! There is either eternal life in heaven or eternal death in hell. Come to Him because He is Worthy! He showed unbelievable kindness to sinners!! There is no other Book in this world that will show you your sin and give you a Savior! Only this Book has this truly good news!

What a Gospel!

The following article is copied by permission from Wretched Radio's July 2009 Newsletter. The article is written by Todd Friel.

Warning Ditch Ahead!

Get ready for whiplash. If history is any barometer, it appears we are headed for a ditch.

Consider this. The church in the middle ages had grown corrupt due to work righteousness (among other things). The Reformers proclaimed, "We are saved by grace alone!" That was good, but it was not long before the church fell into the ditch of grace abuse.
Because of that ditch, in the 19th century, the church fell into another ditch, liberalism.
But a movement sprang up in the 20th century to yank us out of the liberal ditch and voile', they fell into the ditch of fundamentalist legalism and worldly separation.
Hello 1940's. Meet evangelicalism: the movement that was (sort of) conservative but decidedly engaged in the world.
Great idea, but we fell into the ditch of Seeker Sensitivity. In response to fundamentalist disengagement, we decided to not only engage the world, but bring the world into the church. Oops. Another ditch.
That brings us to today's growing movement that has no title: conservative, Puritan loving, engaged in the world, personal regeneration, Jesus lovers. Even Time Magazine recognized this movement as the third most influential spiritual trend of this decade.
This is a wonderful sign, but let's take a moment and ask, "Will this be the first movement that does not have a whiplash counter movement?" I doubt it. The question of course is, "What will that counter movement look like?"
I suspect it will be a counter to either our strengths or weaknesses.
What are the movement's s strengths and what does a potential counter look like?
1. Biblical literalism. The counter attack could be, "Legalism."
2. Personal regeneration. The counter attack might be, "Legalism."
3. Personal holiness. The counter assault will be, "Legalism."
What are the movement's weaknesses and what does a potential counter look like?
1. Theological arrogance. The counter attack could be, "Liberalism."
2. Lack of love. The counter attack might be, "Liberalism."
3. Lack of assurance. The counter assault might be, "Liberalism."
What a shocker! A counter movement will likely fall into one of the two ditches that EVERY movement has fallen: Legalism or Liberalism.
This matters on a universal church level and on a personal level. If we are not mindful of these potential ditches, a counter movement will fall into a pit...or we will.
Let's rejoice that God is raising up a conservative movement. But let us also be cautious that we don't fall into a ditch. Whiplash is a terrible thing.

This Could Be My Testimony!

Pastor Jim McClarty has an excellent website with a large question and answer section. If there isn't a question you have been wondering about you can e-mail him and he will answer. I know... I've done it! His website is at

Bruce's Testimony

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

My dad had this book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". I remember the cover having orange horizontal stripes and smelled like smoke. (My dad smoked back then.) I remember thinking...why do bad things happen to good people? I was a kid at the time and didn't think much past that, but as different events happened in my life, I would go back to ponder that very question.

When I first heard the gospel this skinny, wiry Southern Baptist preacher was literally jumping up and down yelling, "Those were your nails! That was your crown of thorns!" I had no idea what that meant...I wasn't there, I didn't do those things to Jesus! Why was he yelling at me? Sunday after Sunday I began to see myself as a sinner. I knew that I had broken God's laws and I was in need of forgiveness and salvation. BUT I didn't see myself as only sinful! I still considered myself basically a good person who had sinned against God.

This is the problem with the age old question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" There are no good people! Not even basically good people. There are only two types of people...sinful people and sinful people who have been saved by grace. The Bible makes this clear in so many verses. (If you put your mouse over the Bible reference, the verse will come up.) Romans 6:16, you are either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. Ephesians 2:1-5, we were spiritually dead, children of wrath, or God in His mercy and love saved us. Colossians 2:13 tells us that we are either spiritually dead or made alive by God.

So no one is righteous on our own or made right by our own works, Romans 3:10-18. We often compare ourselves to other people to see if we are a good person or not, but that's the wrong standard to use. Sure... compared to others around us, we may be better than they are, right? I mean, we aren't Hitler! But we need a standard that is absolute, that doesn't move and will not be moved by circumstance or otherwise. Like, if you get caught speeding... the officer pulls you over and says, "I clocked you going 85 mph in a 45 mph zone." You can say what you like, but he has the radar gun that is the standard. That's what the 10 commandments are, God's moral standard. If we want to know if we are a good person then we have to compare ourselves to that standard. When we do, we see we fall short. Romans 3:19 says when we compare ourselves to the law of God it stops our mouths from claiming we are good and we see that we are accountable to God. We know it...we see we are guilty. When that Godly sorrow comes upon us, we are able to repent and put our trust in Christ for salvation, 2 Corinthians 7:10.

So the question isn't so much, "why do bad things happen to good people?" but "why do good things happen to bad people?"

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